Food Is Everywhere

Like the language, food is culturally significant in France. Days are planned around meals, shops are closed from noon to 2 p.m. for lunch, and expressions related to food are pervasive. During the research for our book, we documented a few of our favorite expressions but perhaps the one that resonated the most was “Vous avez du pain sur la planche,” (you have some bread on the plank) meaning, "You have your work cut out for you." That's for sure! Here are a few other tasty expression to keep you in the know in the Dordogne.

Un oeil au beurre noir (an eye of black butter) = A black eye

Tomber dans les pommes (to fall into the apples) = To faint

Mettre les pieds dans le plat (to put the feet on the plate) = To put one’s foot in ones mouth

Avoir les foies (to have the livers) = To have cold feet; to be scared stiff

Être au four et au moulin (to be at the oven and the mill) = To be in two places at once

Faire bouillir la marmite (to bring the pot to boil) = To bring home the bacon

Un pot de vin (a jar of wine) = A bribe

Learn more expressions, and read about the French Dining Table in: Tales From The Table: Dordogne Stories.

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